Logicx6 Yellows: 2 rabbits
x2 Veiler: Didn't fell the need for three this format.. :?
x2 Azathoth: Snowman eater, but level 4.
x3 Castor: Really amazing effect is amazing xD
x2 Mandrago: Good card, you can get both of them out in one turn depending on the swarm level of your opponet
x2 Salamander: I enjoy the card, very stable and has a good effect. Also a dion
x2 rabbit: Because k.
Tour bus/sangan/tour guide: Targets and levi
Book/monster reborn/dark hole/heavy: Stapling
x3 Infection: works so much better then two..
x1 contation: Eh it's effect is good some of the time...
last 4 cards: stapleing my [Word Censored]'